- All hosting account(s) must be in accordance with our AUP (Authorized Usage Policy) posted at the following link - https://www.packwebhosting.com/aup.html. Non-compliance of AUP may lead to termination of service(s) without any notice and without any refund options. These accounts also include any accounts created on a VPS or a dedicated server, or within any reseller panel.
- Our AUP (Authorized Usage Policy) and Terms of Service (ToS) / SLA (Service Level Agreement) may change from time to time. At any instance your account(s) should conform to the same.
- W.r.t. security of data or information, we do not make any commitments or provide any assurances. A client is wholly and solely responsible for all the data present in his account(s) whether on single hosting(s) or on a Cloud/VPS Server/Instance or on a dedicated server or in reseller panel or as the case may be. Whether the data is uploaded/modified/deleted manually by the client or by any person authorised by the client, or is uploaded/modified/deleted by any un-authorised person, or is uploaded/modified/deleted by the activity of scripts/software on the account irrespective whether they are setup by the client or by a malicious process or by a malware, or whether the information is transmitted via authorised or un-authorised means, or whether the information is transmitted to authorised or un-authorised entities, or whether the data or information is intercepted by lawful or unlawful or authorised or un-authorised entities or person, or whether the data or information is used by lawful or unlawful or authorised or un-authorised entities or person, the client shall be wholly and solely responsible for all the actions and activities.
- A client is required to always have a copy or a backup of the current data (all files and databases), of his account(s) or account(s) under his control, to be stored on his local system or a PC. We do not provide any assurance or commitment to provisioning of backups at our end.
- Features such as incremental backups or any other type of backups are purely provided as a goodwill gesture only. One should never assume recovery of data. Even if a client has purchased a separate paid backup service from us, in that case also, one should never assume recovery of data. Client should always have a copy of data on their local PC as detailed in the previous point.
- W.r.t. domain name registration or renewal or transfer or w.r.t. any service with fixed validity term, client is required to check at their end, within 7 days of making the payment, whether the stipulated action especially with regards to the expiry date or extension of service, has happened or not. If the stipulated action has not taken place, the client is required to immediately inform us so that we can look into the concerned issue. Pack Web Hosting Pvt. Ltd. would not be responsible for any consequences or anything related thereof for the failure of any stipulated action for any reason whatsoever.
- We reserve the right to take coercive actions w.r.t. any account(s) which we deem is in violations of our procedures or guidelines or AUP or AUP of the upstream provider. These actions can be but not limited to : blocking of website, blocking of a user, application of file or directory locks, suspension of account and in extreme cases termination of the account(s)
- We reserve the right to take coercive actions to any extent w.r.t. any account(s) on which in-coming DDOS (distributed denial of service) or DOS (denial of service) attack is taking place or has taken place. This kind of coercive action would very likely result in disruption of access to that account.
- We reserve the right to take any administrative action(s) w.r.t. your account(s) or services ,which may include but not limited to : modification of the file and data structure, transmission or copy of data to another system, scanning of email message headers or logs for administrative and compliance reasons, scanning of connections from or to the server, imposition of limits on various actions or activities w.r.t. your account(s) or service(s)
- We are not liable for any damages or costs or claims, or agony, or mental or emotional stress or torture, resulting from the use of our services or from deficiency of our services, or for the actions undertaken by our staff and/or management.
- A client is wholly and solely responsible for any penal or civil actions w.r.t. any account(s) under his control/usage.
- Wherever 'Unlimited' word is mentioned, it implies that the feature or the context, is subject to the limits imposed by technical limitations and reasonable use. In no case File Sharing, illegal content or any content prohibited by our AUP will be allowed.
- Pricing of any service availed, solely at the discretion of Pack Web Hosting Pvt. Ltd., may be or may have been revised at the time of renewal of that service. The price of any service availed can differ from the listed price at the official website of Pack Web Hosting Pvt. Ltd.
- Specifications of any plan purchased by the client will remain the same throught its tenure. That specifications may vary with the current specifications of the same plan or similar sounding plan(s), which have been put up on our website or on any other media.
- Right of service is reserved. We can refuse to service/process any order/renewal without assigning any reason.
- Payment received on account of domain name registration or renewal or transfer, does not assure the same. In-case the requisite action fails, we would refund the payment amount corresponding to that requisite action. Beyond this we do not take any responsibility for any claims or damages.
- Payments must be received in advance before any order is placed and also before/on the due date of invoice. Non receipt of payment on/before due date will lead to suspension of the account with immediate effect without any notice. Suspended accounts can be terminated from the system any-time.
- Part payments shall not be accepted.
- All payments are non-refundable unless otherwise explicitly stated.
- The prices of our product(s) or service(s) can change during the term of a Hosting or the Service. The same would be required to be paid by the client on pro-rated basis for continuity of service even if the plan has been billed at the old price. If the client does not agree to pay the same within 30 days of intimation via email, a refund would be offered to the client for the remaining period and the associated hosting or service shall be terminated.
- Support is only for the service(s) which you have undertaken from us. Outside this, if anything we can provide from our side, is liable to be billed.
- Ideally any support/problem tickets/emails raised will be answered within one working day. But is some case it may take more than one working day depending upon the complexity of the issue involved.
- Upto only 2 GB space is allowed with respect to cumulative Email Space Usage for a Linux Hosting Account. Excess space is liable to be billed @ Rs.200 per GB/month.
- Any MySQL Database may only contain no more than 1024 tables. If it exceeds this limit, that database can be dropped/terminated without notice.
- Receipt of Payment by us does not imply the control of Domain Name to the payee. Ownership of a Domain Name will be in the name of the Title supplied while buying the Domain.
- All disputes are subject to Chandigarh (India) Jurisdiction only.



